In-Kind Donations
We care for hundreds of animals per year at our Faxon Animal Care and Adoption Center, and providing them with the basic items they need is expensive. In addition to monetary donations, in-kind donations are always needed and welcome. Not only does donating these items help the animals we care for in our facility, if we have an excess or there are items we are unable to use, we pass them along to pet owners in need in our community through our food pantry program.
Your donated item is tax-deductible and you can drop it off at the shelter during our normal business hours. If you would like to donate an item that is not on our list, please contact the shelter at (508) 676-1061 or email us at

Wish List
These are the items we use most frequently to care for the animals and provide them with a safe and healthy environment. We don't need name brands (unless specified), generic works fine, too!
Friskies Canned Cat Food (Pate)
dry dog and cat food
canned dog food
KMR (kitten milk replacement, powdered)
cat and dog toys
puppy pads or disposable bed liners
scratching posts
Dog harnesses
Martingale collars
used (clean) hand towels and face cloths
Petag kitten nurser bottles
non-clumping, unscented cat litter
Dawn dish detergent
window cleaner
hand soap refills
hand sanitizer
tall kitchen trash bags
paper towels
non-latex gloves (size M &L)
spray bottles
laundry detergent​
Online Wish Lists